TUMIX - PS01 - Mixer
TUMIX – PS01 is a machine for mixing ingredients in the cans to achieve homogenized paste.
1. Control – Machine control is done with PLC. SCADA application on PC allows machine control. Actuators are mixer drives, fans, air condition and heater.
2. Input – Operator via SCADA sets parameters for mixing. After setting the parameters, cabin doors unlock. In cabin there is roller for the cans. Operator puts a can into cabin.
3. Mixing – After closing the doors, machine starts to mix. Mixing is performed in two rotating ways, turning the cans and swinging the whole roller up to down. Turning direction is important because wrong direction of roller will can cause taking the lid off. Swinging direction is not important.
4. Output – SCADA visualizing slot status in roller (empty slot, mixing in progress, mixing finished). When time setpoint elapsed, operator can open the door and take out can.
The work of other machines can be seen on our youtube channel.