DOZA - SD - Machine for dosing and packing bulk materials
“DOZA-SD” is machine for dosing and packing bulk materials.
1. Control – Machine control is done with pushbuttons on electrical cabinet and foot pedals.
2. Input – it contains a funnel i which the operator pour the material.
3. Transport system – The material is uniformly distributed over the dosing duct using the built-in electric vibrator. Transport takes place through two adjustable speeds.
4. Dosing and filling system – The material from the transport system intrudes through the funnel into a bag in which the material is packed. The bag in which it is packed has its holder that allows to place and remove the bag. Activation of the bag holder is with the hand lever.
Example of dosage and packaging: Hazelnuts, corn, beans, lavender, sunflower, seedlings, sesame, leaves, teas, aronia..
The other machines can be seen on our youtube channel.
Price: 27.441,76 kn
VAT (25%): 6.860,44 kn
Total price: 34.302,20 kn